Luis Pantigoza was born in Arequipa, Peru in 1958, Pantigozo studied at the "Escuela de Bellas Artes" in Arequipa and has had more than fifty solo and group exhibitions in Peru, Italy, the U.S. Of America, Venezuela, Chile and Bolivia.
These exhibitions include:
"Campo y Cosecha", Galeria de Arte Alianza Francesa, Lima (1994)
"Luces y colores del Peru", Galeria Ada Negri, Milan, Italy (1990)
"The Charlotte Sister Cities International Art Exhibition", Charlotte, NC (1990)
"La Puerta del Soll", La Paz, Bolivia (1990)
"Noche de Arte", U.S. Embassy, Lima, Peru (1980-1990)
J Melberg Gallery, Chalotte NC (1987)
"Campo y Cosecha", Galeria Trapecio, Lima, Peru (1986)
"Raices peruanas en el arte contemporaneo", Casa de Espana, New York, NY (1984)
"Homenajeal Libertador Simon Bolivar", Caracas, Venezuela.
And many more important exhibitions.
Most of his subject emanate from the farm of his brother in Arequipa, where Pantigozo was born. His main interest is the relation of the man of the Andes with the "MAMAPACHA" or land. The spirituality of the paintins, on the other hand, originate in the dual culture (the western and the andean cultures) that the man of the Andes confronts.